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Desktop application security in Python

Informator, Distans
3 dagar
32 900 SEK exkl. moms
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3 dagar
32 900 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
Efter överenskommelse se detaljer
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


Your application written in Python works as intended, so you are done, right? But did you consider feeding in incorrect values? 16Gbs of data? A null? An apostrophe? Negative numbers, or specifically -1 or -231? Because that’s what the bad guys will do – and the list is far from complete.
Handling security needs a healthy level of paranoia, and this is what this course provides: a strong emotional engagement by lots of hands-on labs and stories from real life, all to substantially improve code hygiene. Mistakes, consequences, and best practices are our blood, sweat and tears.
All this is put in the context of Python, and extended by core programming issues, discussing security pitfalls of the programming language.
So that you are prepared for the forces of the dark side.
So that nothing unexpected happens.

Cyber security basics
Input validation
Security features
Using vulnerable components
Cryptography for developers
Common software security weaknesses
Wrap up

Delivered onsite for three days, 9-17.00Delivered online for five days, Monday - Friday 9-13.00

Day 1:

Cyber security basics

What is security?
Threat and risk
Cyber security threat types
Consequences of insecure software

Constraints and the market
The dark side

Input validation

Input validation principles

Blacklists and whitelists
Data validation techniques
Lab – Input validation
What to validate – the attack surface
Where to validate – defense in depth
When to validate – validation vs transformations
Output sanitization
Encoding challenges
Unicode challenges
Validation with regex
Regular expression denial of service (ReDoS)
Lab – ReDoS in Python
Dealing with ReDoS


Injection principles
Injection attacks
SQL injection

SQL injection basics
Lab – SQL injection
Attack techniques
Content-based blind SQL injection
Time-based blind SQL injection

SQL injection best practices

Input validation
Parameterized queries
Lab – SQL injection best practices
Additional considerations
Case study – Hacking Fortnite accounts

Code injection

Code injection via input()
OS command injection

Lab – Command injection
OS command injection best practices
Avoiding command injection with the right APIs
Lab – Command injection best practices
Case study – Shellshock
Lab – Shellshock
Python module hijacking
Lab – Library hijacking in Python

Day 2:

Input validation

Integer handling problems

Representing signed numbers
Integer visualization
Integers in Python
Integer overflow
Integer overflows in ctypes and numpy
Other numeric problems

Working with floating-point numbers

Files and streams

Path traversal
Lab – Path traversal
Path traversal-related examples
Additional challenges in Windows
Virtual resources
Path traversal best practices
Lab – Path canonicalization

Format string issues
Unsafe native code

Native code dependence
Lab – Unsafe native code
Best practices for dealing with native code

Security features


Authentication basics
Multi-factor authentication
Time-based One Time Passwords (TOTP)
Authentication weaknesses
Case study – PayPal 2FA bypass
Password management

Inbound password management

Storing account passwords
Password in transit
Lab – Is just hashing passwords enough?
Dictionary attacks and brute forcing
Adaptive hash functions for password storage
Password policy

NIST authenticator requirements for memorized secrets
Password hardening
Using passphrases
Password change
Password recovery issues
Password recovery best practices
Lab – Password reset weakness

Case study – The Ashley Madison data breach

The dictionary attack
The ultimate crack
Exploitation and the lessons learned

Password database migration

Outbound password management

Hard coded passwords
Best practices
Lab – Hardcoded password
Protecting sensitive information in memory

Challenges in protecting memory

Information exposure

Exposure through extracted data and aggregation
Case study – Strava data exposure
System information leakage

Leaking system information

Information exposure best practices

Platform security

Python platform security

The Python ecosystem and its attack surface
Python bytecode and security
Security features offered by Python
PEP 578 and audit hooks
Sandboxing Python

Using vulnerable components

Assessing the environment
Case study – The British Airways data breach
Vulnerability management

Patch management
Vulnerability databases
DevOps, the build process and CI / CD
Dependency checking in Python
Lab – Detecting vulnerable components

Day 3:

Cryptography for developers

Cryptography basics
Cryptography in Python
Elementary algorithms

Random number generation

Pseudo random number generators (PRNGs)
Cryptographically strong PRNGs
Using virtual random streams
Weak and strong PRNGs
Using random numbers in Python
Lab – Using random numbers in Python
Case study – Equifax credit account freeze


Hashing basics
Common hashing mistakes
Hashing in Python
Lab – Hashing in Python

Confidentiality protection

Symmetric encryption

Block ciphers
Modes of operation
Modes of operation and IV – best practices
Symmetric encryption in Python
Lab – Symmetric encryption in Python

Asymmetric encryption

The RSA algorithm

Using RSA – best practices
RSA in Python

Combining symmetric and asymmetric algorithms
Key exchange and agreement

Key exchange
Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm
Key exchange pitfalls and best practices

Integrity protection

Authenticity and non-repudiation
Message Authentication Code (MAC)

MAC in Python
Lab – Calculating MAC in Python

Digital signature

Digital signature with RSA
Elliptic Curve Cryptography

ECC basics
Digital signature with ECC

Digital signature in Python

Lab – Digital signature with ECDSA in Python

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Some further key management challenges

Certificates and PKI
X.509 certificates
Chain of trust
PKI actors and procedures
PGP – Web of Trust
Certificate revocation

Common software security weaknesses


Error and exception handling principles
Error handling

Returning a misleading status code
Information exposure through error reporting

Exception handling

In the except block. And now what?
Empty except block
Lab – Exception handling mess

Code quality

Wrap up

Secure coding principles

Principles of robust programming by Matt Bishop
Secure design principles of Saltzer and Schröder

And now what?

Software security sources and further reading
Python resources

Kommande kursstarter

1 tillgänglig kursstart

Efter överenskommelse

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans


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