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Master Data Management in practice

17 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
15 maj, 2025 se detaljer
Öppen utbildning
17 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
15 maj, 2025 se detaljer
Öppen utbildning
Från 17 950 SEK exkl. moms / person


Master Data Management (MDM) is often perceived as being an academic exercise as a separate entity for harmonisation in the IT department, which is far from the real business benefits.

It's time to shake that view and learn about the methods and best practices in different areas of the subject.

Kommande kursstarter

1 tillgänglig kursstart

15 maj, 2025

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Stockholm
  • Engelska

Du lär dig under utbildningen:

  • Learn the concept and terminology of Master Data Management (MDM)
  • Gain an overview of the main areas of MDM and understand the MDM business benefits through real-life examples from different organizations and industries.

You will learn the key MDM concepts and models, as well as getting concrete tools to support your organization's MDM development. All stages are described through real life examples and exercises.

Efter denna utbildning kan du

After the course, you will be able to operate in the different stages of MDM initiatives, all from mapping out business benefits to deploying work processes, with an understanding to its connection to the organization's strategic development activities.


All those interested in the MDM area. Suitable for people in both private and public organizations.

For example:

  • Development managers
  • Enterprise Architects
  • System Architects
  • Information architects
  • System/Process owners
  • System specialist/developers
  • Master data managers
  • Project/Program Managers
  • Various roles from the business side (Marketing, F&C, Sales, Service)


What is Master Data Management (MDM)

  • MDM thinking and basic concepts
  • Most common Master Data domains
  • How MDM relates to the organization’s operations and the systems that supporting them - data warehousing and reporting

MDM: Business Benefits

  • Typical reasons to invest in MDM
  • Identifying the business benefits
  • Justifying the MDM initiative in the organization

Data models, standards and rules

  • Meaning and benefits of commonly agreed definitions
  • Defining the Master Data entities, attributes, relations, and metadata in a business understandable way
  • Taking advantage of existing models

Master Data lifecycle and data management processess

  • Basic MDM processes: Creating, updating, archiving and quality assuring of master data
  • Developing and depicting Master Data processes throughout the data lifecycle
  • Implementing the MDM processes to organization’s operations

Master Data Governance

  • What is data governance and why is it required?
  • Master data ownership and responsibility
  • How to set up a data governance model

Master data management systems and architectural approaches

  • MDM as a piece of organization’s architectural blueprint
  • Different architectural approaches for MDM
  • Most required and used features of MDM systems

Measuring and improving master data quality

  • Live or die with data quality
  • How data quality is measured and improved
  • Implementing data quality measures and practices


This 2-day course will provide a solid foundation in the topic of Master Data Management through the areas of key concepts, business benefits and how it connects to business processes and the company culture


Markus Penttilä is a Principal Consultant and master data management (MDM) expert at Loihde, Finland.

With 18 years of experience, he has worked on MDM, data governance, data quality, and data harmonization projects across various industries for large and mid-sized companies in Finland and the Nordics.

At Loihde’s Data Management & AI service area, Markus uses his deep expertise and extensive consulting background to help clients succeed in their data management initiatives.


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