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Cloud Architecture Fundamentals

24 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
21 oktober, 2024 se detaljer
Öppen utbildning
24 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
21 oktober, 2024 se detaljer
Öppen utbildning
Från 24 950 SEK exkl. moms / person


This three day course covers the basic components of cloud architectures with a focus on Platform as a Service. At the end of this course architects and developers should feel confident making decisions about which components to choose for different situations.

Cloud architecture is a dynamic subject that places new demands on architects. This course aims to make the transition from classic on-premise architecture to cloud architectures easier. It introduces the basic building blocks of cloud architectures and importantly sets them in the context of distributed systems, allowing the participants to independently make architecture decisions. Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services platforms are used to demonstrate the principles.

Kommande kursstarter

1 tillgänglig kursstart

21 oktober, 2024

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Stockholm
  • Engelska

Med denna utbildning får du

  • An understanding of different PaaS components in Azure and AWS
  • The ability to choose the right PaaS component
  • The ability to compose cloud architectures using these components

This course will give architects the tools they need to make confident choices about cloud components. Participants will learn techniques to manage scalability, availability, monitoring, cost, and quality of cloud applications. The material focuses on the aspects of cloud components that are relevant to architectural decision making and focuses on the role of the architect when delivering cloud applications.


  • Developers
  • Architects

Previous knowledge

Several years of software development experience.


Day 1

  • Cloud history
  • Differences between cloud and on-premise architecture
  • Service Orientation and relationship to cloud
  • IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and the architect’s role
  • Cloud platforms introduction
  • Using Reference Architectures
  • Cloud Architecture Frameworks

Day 2

  • Distributed Systems Primer
  • Cloud Components
  • Storage
  • Queuing
  • Compute
  • Containers
  • Streaming
  • Functions

Day 3

  • Design
  • Availability
  • Scalability
  • Monitoring
  • Managing Cost
  • Security & Identity
  • Testing
  • Deployment


Barry O’Reilly is the founder of Black Tulip Technology and creator of residuality theory. He has held Chief Architect roles at Microsoft and IDesign, been Microsoft’s IOT TAP Lead for Western Europe, and Worldwide Lead for Microsoft’s Solution Architecture Community. He has also been a startup CTO, and was a founder of Sweden’s Azure User Group.


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112 26 Stockholm

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