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Future owners

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Owning a business or substantial private capital creates many opportunities – but poses many challenges too. Owning a business is different from managing one. This program helps you to seize the opportunities and address the challenges through ownership excellence.

This program aims to support the preparation and development of future owners of private capital and leaders of private companies such as entrepreneurial firms, family firms, and family offices. This often entails a succession process where the next generation of owners is successively introduced to the responsibilities of ownership.

Introducing the next generation of owners is associated with numerous challenges. But there are also many opportunities for both personal development, business transformation, and value creation.

There are numerous elements to becoming and operating as a proficient owner: one key issue, for example, involves figuring out which role and approach are the optimum fit for each individual. Another key issue, when multiple owners are involved in the business, entails making sure that you come together as a cohesive ownership team who share the same goals and vision for the future. It is all about developing your ownership competence.

Interested in learning more about the program? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or download the program brochure using the form below.


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SSE Executive Education – tidigare IFL vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
Sveavägen 65, Box 45180
104 30 Stockholm

SSE Executive Education – tidigare IFL vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

Vi erbjuder ledarskapsutbildningar, affärsutvecklingsprogram och finansutbildningar för chefer, ledare och specialister inom svenskt näringsliv och offentlig sektor. Vi har blivit utsedda som bäst leverantör i Norden och Baltikum sedan 2001 i Financial Times årliga branschrankning.    Våra ledarskapsutbildningar och affärsutvecklingsprogram finns som öppna program med...

Läs mer om SSE Executive Education – tidigare IFL vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm och visa alla utbildningar.
