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Building work environment coordination BAS P/U | Online

SIFU, Distans
4 500 SEK exkl. moms
4 500 SEK exkl. moms
Från 4 500 SEK exkl. moms / person


Detta är en BAS kurs på engelska.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority has established requirements that must be met by those who wish to work as a building work environment coordinator (BAS). These requirements encompass both education and the ability to demonstrate competence. Our course is designed, based on these requirements and offers a two-day foundational course for BAS that can be completed directly in your web browser. By participating in this course, you will learn how to effectively manage the work environment to ensure a safe workplace and prevent accidents and illnesses.

Upon successfully completing the course and achieving a passing grade, you will receive a certificate confirming your documented knowledge as a Building work environment coordinator for both BAS-U and BAS-P.

The course is rich in useful resources, including checklists, templates, and documents that you can download and use both during and after the course. Additionally, you will have access to all course information in our portal for a full 12 months.

Book the course and get started to take your first steps towards becoming a qualified Building work environment coordinator!


Part 1: News and Statistics, Roles and Responsibilities, Structure of Regulations, and Criminal Law
Part 2: Systematic Occupational Health and Safety Work
Part 3: The Building Work Environment Coordinator Role
Part 4: Building Work Environment Coordinator P in Practice
Part 5: Building Work Environment Coordinator U in Practice
Part 6: Occupational Health and Safety Plan for Building Work Environment Coordinator P and Building Work Environment Coordinator U
Part 7: Introduction to Regulations and Risks
Part 8: Workplace Design
Part 9: Strain and Ergonomics
Part 10: Chemical Occupational Health Risks
Part 11: Selected Regulations
Part 12: Hand in assignment
Part 13: Knowledge Test, Conclusion, and Course Certificate

Target Audience

Future Building Work Environment Coordinators (BAS-P and BAS-U).
Designers, consultants, construction supervisors, and more.
Site managers and foremen.
Quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety coordinators.
Anyone who needs to provide information to Building Work Environment Coordinators.
Anyone who needs to provide data to Building Work Environment Coordinators in accordance with regulations and agreements between the client, contractor, and subcontractor.
Other stakeholders in the construction process, such as clients or developers.

Register at ID06

Upon successful completion of the course, we can register you free of charge in the ID06* competence database


*ID06 is a Swedish identification and access control system used in the construction industry to verify the identity and authorization of workers at construction sites

Varför välja SIFU?

Gedigen kunskap och erfarenhet

Kvalitet och hög kundnöjdhet

Flexibla utbildningar

Kostnad för konferenspaket

Kostnad för lunch och fika tillkommer med 450 kr exklusive moms per dag på kurser och konferenser som genomförs fysiskt i lokal.


Beställ information

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412 50 Göteborg

Utbildningar, kurser och konferenser som utvecklar din kompetens

Kompetensutveckling genom kurser och konferenser är vår mission. SIFU vill bidra till en ökad välfärd i samhället genom att höja kompetensnivån inom svenskt näringsliv och offentlig sektor. Vi erbjuder ett brett utbud av kurser, konferenser och onlineutbildningar. Med många års...

Läs mer om SIFU och visa alla utbildningar.
