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Python Programming – Intermediate

Republify, Distans (+1 orter)
3 dagar
22 900 - 23 900 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
27 augusti, 2024 (+3 kursstarter)
Onlineutbildning, Företagsanpassad utbildning
3 dagar
22 900 - 23 900 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
27 augusti, 2024 (+3 kursstarter)
Onlineutbildning, Företagsanpassad utbildning
Från 22 900 SEK exkl. moms / person


Python Programming – Intermediate - the crash course to learn programming in Python

Dags för nästa steg!?

This course gives you an introduction to more advanced concepts in the Python language and starts where the course ”Python Programming – Introduction” ends.

During the course we discuss and highlights the differences in between Python v2 and v3. Exercises are done using Python v3.

Kommande kursstarter

Välj mellan 3 kursstarter

27 augusti, 2024

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans

15 oktober, 2024

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans

This training is delivered in English or Swedish for groups.

  • Företagsanpassad utbildning
  • Sverige

Varför välja Republify?


Kursledare med branschexpertis

Erbjuder hybridupplägg


Vi tror att du jobbar som

Programmers, testers and others involved in projects that will involve Python as a coding language. Basic understanding of the Python language and some experience of programming Python. Knowledge similar to the course ”Python Programming – Introduction” is required


Course Overview

Da­ta­ty­pes and the ob­ject hi­e­rar­chy


  • The func-object
  • The def keywords
  • Lambda functions
  • Nested functions
  • Closures
  • Decorators


  • Fast enumeration
  • The iteration protocol
  • Iterables
  • Iterators
  • The iteration interface
  • Iterators as separate objects


  • List Comprehensions
  • Nested comrehensions
  • Dict Comprehensions
  • Set Comprehensions

Ad­van­ced ite­ra­tors

  • Generator Expressions
  • Generator Comprehensions
  • Generator functions
  • Generator objects
  • The Yield keyword
  • Generator iterators

Ob­jects, clas­ses and in­stan­ces

  • Old-style vs new-style classes
  • Magic special methods
  • Instance attributes
  • Class attributes
  • Attribute lookup chain
  • Emulate built-in objects
  • Creating callables
  • Creating containers
  • Rich comparison methods
  • @classmethod
  • @staticmethod
  • Abstract classes
  • @property
  • Static variable behavior
  • __slots__

Sor­ting & Re­versing

  • Sorting lists
  • Sorting dicts
  • Sorting instances
  • Sorting iterables
  • Operator methodcaller
  • Reversing strings
  • Reversing lists
  • Reversing iterables


 This course is delivered in co-operation with IT- & Security experts at Picox

This course is delivered in co-operation with IT- & Security experts at Picox

Examen, diplom m.m.

You as a participant receive a course certificate after completing the training


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Snittbetyg: 5

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