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Applied Leadership Training for Traditional and Agile Projects

Learning Tree International AB, i Stockholm (+2 orter)
3 dagar
3 dagar
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Beskrivning av: Applied Leadership Training for Traditional and Agile Projects

This three-day, hands-on Applied Leadership course is based on lecture, class discussion, and realistic case studies. The unambiguous elements of leadership — who are your followers, what is your vision, what is your model to affect change, how will you influence- are presented with definitive examples. The details of traditional, agile, and project portfolios are presented from the leader's perspective with emphasis on project execution. The tenants of emotional intelligence are applied to influencing, handling mistakes, decision making, and negotiation. The class concludes with a realistic capstone team exercise designed to reinforce the key learning points of Applied Leadership from the course.

Project Management experience and experience working in Agile environments.

This course is designed for Project Managers looking to develop strong leadership and communication skills.

This course includes a Learning Tree end-of-course exam.

Applied Leadership Training for Traditional and Agile Projects Delivery Methods

  • After-course instructor coaching benefit
  • Learning Tree end-of-course exam included

Applied Leadership Training for Traditional and Agile Projects Course Benefits

  • Apply an unambiguous definition of leadership to your project initiatives
  • Distinguish yourself as leader in traditional and agile projects
  • Succeed in the project execution phase
  • Influence, negotiate, and handle mistakes through the lens of emotional intelligence

Applied Leadership Training Outline

What Is Leadership, Anyway?

  • Followers
  • Vision
  • A Model for Change
  • Influencing
  • Leaders Instill a Culture
  • Proof of Leadership: Iconic Leaders
  • Proof of Leadership: Business Leaders
  • Proof of Leadership: You

Leadership and Project Management

  • Goal Setting
  • The Difference Between Traditional and Agile Approaches
  • The Goal of Innovation
  • The Fifth Discipline and Double-Loop Learning
  • Project Management Paradigm Shift
  • System Characteristics Drive the Change Model

Project Portfolio Management

  • Traditional Project Management
  • The Function of the Work Breakdown Structure
  • WBS Realities
  • WBS Data Dictionary
  • WBS Dictionary Example
  • The Network Diagram
  • Estimating Methods
  • The Critical Path
  • Milestones
  • PERT Analysis of Critical Path

Agile Project Management

  • The Agile Leadership Model
  • The Agile Manifesto
  • Iterative/Incremental Methodologies
  • Agile Risk Management—Timeboxing
  • Leadership in the Scrum
  • Structural Empowerment
  • Psychological Empowerment
  • Hybrid Agile—The Leader’s Perspective
  • Agile Feature Estimation: Avoiding Groupthink
  • Agile Features Are Defined by User Stories
  • Using Personas to Better Understand Users

Project Execution

  • Project Management Realities
  • The Core Belief
  • Monitor and Control
  • Headlight vs. Rearview-Mirror Metrics
  • Agile Metrics for Leaders
  • Risk Management
  • Communicating Issues

Leading a Project Portfolio Strategy

  • Project Portfolio Management
  • Defining the Organisational Objectives
  • Prioritising Projects
  • Addressing Risk in Financial Decisions
  • Qualitative Risk Assessment
  • Best-Case/Worst-Case-Scenario Analysis
  • Graphical Presentation

Emotional Intelligence

  • Emotional Intelligence for the Project Leader
  • Influencing Skills for the Project Leader
  • Factors Driving Influence Success
  • Influencing Techniques
  • Handling Mistakes
  • Decision Making
  • Negotiation Framework
  • Negotiation Sins in Project Management
  • The Skills and Techniques of Negotiation


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Learning Tree International AB
Fleminggatan 7
112 26 Stockholm

Learning Tree International

Learning Tree är ett internationellt utbildningsföretag med över 40 års erfarenhet av att leverera utbildning till yrkesverksamma IT-proffs, projektledare, verksamhetsutvecklare och chefer. Vi erbjuder allt från enstaka kurser till globala utbildningsprogram, och vi hjälper våra kunder att införa hållbara processer som fungerar idag och förbereder...

Läs mer om Learning Tree International AB och visa alla utbildningar.
