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AZ-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals

Arrow ECS, i Stockholm
1 dag
10 000 SEK exkl. moms
1 dag
10 000 SEK exkl. moms
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AZ-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals

This course introduces fundamentals concepts related to artificial intelligence (AI), and the services in Microsoft Azure that can be used to create AI solutions. The course is not designed to teach students to become professional data scientists or software developers, but rather to build awareness of common AI workloads and the ability to identify Azure services to support them. The course is designed as a blended learning experience that combines instructor-led training with online materials on the Microsoft Learn platform (https://azure.com/learn). The hands-on exercises in the course are based on Learn modules, and students are encouraged to use the content on Learn as reference materials to reinforce what they learn in the class and to explore topics in more depth.


The Azure AI Fundamentals course is designed for anyone interested in learning about the types of solution artificial intelligence (AI) makes possible, and the services on Microsoft Azure that you can use to create them. You don’t need to have any experience of using Microsoft Azure before taking this course, but a basic level of familiarity with computer technology and the Internet is assumed. Some of the concepts covered in the course require a basic understanding of mathematics, such as the ability to interpret charts. The course includes hands-on activities that involve working with data and running code, so a knowledge of fundamental programming principles will be helpful.


Module 1: Introduction to AI

In this module, you'll learn about common uses of artificial intelligence (AI), and the different types of workload associated with AI. You'll then explore considerations and principles for responsible AI development.

•Artificial Intelligence in Azure
•Responsible AI

After completing this module you will be able to
•Describe Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations

Module 2: Machine Learning

Machine learning is the foundation for modern AI solutions. In this module, you'll learn about some fundamental machine learning concepts, and how to use the Azure Machine Learning service to create and publish machine learning models.

•Introduction to Machine Learning
•Azure Machine Learning

After completing this module you will be able to
•Describe fundamental principles of machine learning on Azure

Module 3: Computer Vision

Computer vision is a the area of AI that deals with understanding the world visually, through images, video files, and cameras. In this module you'll explore multiple computer vision techniques and services.

•Computer Vision Concepts
•Computer Vision in Azure

After completing this module you will be able to
•Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure

Module 4: Natural Language Processing

This module describes scenarios for AI solutions that can process written and spoken language. You'll learn about Azure services that can be used to build solutions that analyze text, recognize and synthesize speech, translate between languages, and interpret commands.

After completing this module you will be able to
•Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure

Module 5: Conversational AI

Conversational AI enables users to engage in a dialog with an AI agent, or *bot*, through communication channels such as email, webchat interfaces, social media, and others. This module describes some basic principles for working with bots and gives you an opportunity to create a bot that can respond intelligently to user questions.

•Conversational AI Concepts
•Conversational AI in Azure

After completing this module you will be able to
•Describe features of conversational AI workloads on Azure

Tekniska förkunskapskrav

Familiarity with computers and using a web browser.


Pris : 10 000 Kr

Arrow ECS

Arrow ECS Education – Utbildar IT-proffs

Vi erbjuder dig professionella IT-utbildningar från världsledande leverantörer som Check Point, Citrix, F5, IBM, Microsoft, NetApp, Veeam och VMware

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Arrow ECS har genomfört certifierade IT-utbildningar för konsultbolag och slutanvändare sedan 1992. Vi  kan distribution av IT-produkter och tjänster och förstår därmed vilka krav på kunskaper som din verksamhet har. Den tid och budget som du lägger på utbildning ska också ge mätbara resultat i form av effektivitetsökning. Detta kan vi hjälpa dig med.

Arrow ECS Education erbjuder dig:

  • Kurser i virtuella klassrum - tryggt och säkert för dig!
  • Instruktörer som kan pedagogik och som även arbetar som konsulter
  • Öppna schemalagda kurser i vårt kurscenter i Stockholm/Kista
  • Företagsinterna kurser hos er och med anpassat innehåll
  • Varierade leveranssätt: Klassrum, virtuella klassrum och eLearning
  • Certifieringstester via Pearson VUE

På Arrow ECS Education expanderar vi kontinuerligt vår utbildningsportfölj och vi kan i dagsläget erbjuda dig ett omfattande utbildningsprogram av produkt- såväl som generella utbildningar för IT-tekniker/administratörer och utvecklare. Söker du kvalitetskurser inom infrastruktur, virtualisering och nätverk/säkerhet är Arrow ECS ditt självklara val.

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Arrow ECS
Kronborgsgränd 23
164 46 Kista

Arrow ECS Education – Utbildar IT-proffs

Söker du avancerade IT-kurser för att bättre kunna hantera ditt företags IT-miljö? Då har du kommit rätt! Arrow ECS har genomfört certifierade IT-utbildningar för konsultbolag och slutanvändare sedan 1992. Vi  kan distribution av IT-produkter och tjänster och förstår därmed vilka krav...

Läs mer om Arrow ECS och visa alla utbildningar.
