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ESA-Skilled, ESA-E1 in English

AMSAC, i Västerås (+4 orter)
12 timmar
8 900 - 9 800 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
16 augusti, 2024 (+6 kursstarter)
Öppen utbildning, Företagsanpassad utbildning, Onlineutbildning
Svenska ( + mer )
12 timmar
8 900 - 9 800 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
16 augusti, 2024 (+6 kursstarter)
Öppen utbildning, Företagsanpassad utbildning, Onlineutbildning
Svenska ( + mer )
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


ESA Skilled, electrical safety course for work on or in close proximity with electrical power plants. 

The course is approved by Wattityd and Energiföretagen

The course is aimed at those who will lead, carry out or plan electrical work on or in close proximity with electrical power plants.

Participants who will carry out electrical work on or in close proximity with electrical installations must have sufficient knowledge of electricity to be able to benefit from the training. Other participants should be oriented at a general level.

ESA Skilled, is based on the publications ESA Grund 19.1 and ESA Work 19.1. and follows the requirements described in the Electricity Network Industry’s Guidelines, EBR’s Requirements Document.

The training is carried out by a teacher on site. Our trainers are very skilled technical trainers with many years of electrical work experience. We offer comfortable premises and lunch and coffee are included in the price.

One week before the course, an invitation is sent out with information about place and time as well as digital study material, loan books are provided during the course. The test is carried out digitally and it is important to bring your own computer or tablet to the course.

Kommande kursstarter

Välj mellan 6 kursstarter

16 augusti, 2024

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Göteborg

13 september, 2024

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Västerås

18 september, 2024

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Malmö

18 september, 2024

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans
  • Engelska

18 oktober, 2024

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Västerås
  • Svenska

31 december, 2024

  • Företagsanpassad utbildning
  • Sverige

Varför välja AMSAC?

Bli certifierad

Eftertraktad utbildning

Kursledare med branschexpertis


ESA Skilled, aimed at those who will lead, carry out or plan electrical work on or in close proximity with electrical power plants.


ESA Skilled, is based on the publications ESA Grund 19.1 and ESA Work 19.1. and follows the requirements described in the Electricity Network Industry’s Guidelines, EBR’s Requirements Document.


A couple of days before the start of the course, your information is registered on Energiföretagen/Wattityd, where you have your own profile, You’ll also receive an email from Energiföretagen/Wattityd with a link to approve GDPR. The price includes a fee to Energiföretagen.

Tid & plats

The Course start at 8,00

Mat & logi

We offer comfortable premises and lunch and coffee are included in the price.

Kursens mål

After the training, the participant should be able to apply the theoretical content of the publications ”ESA Grund 19.1” and ”ESA Work 19.1” in his/her daily practical work in order to avoid risks associated with working with electric current.

On completion of the training, the participant shall, among other things:

  •  Understand the division of responsibilities according to work environment and electrical safety legislation
  • Understand and be able to apply ESA functions
  • Understand and be able to apply risk management
  • Understand and be able to apply secure communication
  • Understand what a management measure is and when it turns into a planned work according to one of the working methods
  • Understand the working methods, ”Work in proximity to voltage”, ”Working without voltage” and ”Working with voltage” and their limitations.
  • Understand what non-electrical work is
  • Understand what applies to the EBR form ”ESA Agreement on Access”


The training is carried out by a teacher on site. Our trainers are very skilled technical trainers with many years of electrical work experience.

Examen, diplom m.m.

On completion of the course with the passing of the final exam, the certificate ”ESA Skilled” is obtained. It is valid for 3 years, which means a repetition requirement of every three years.


EBR-ESA-E1 Elektriskt arbete

Certifikat som utfärdas till deltagarna efter godkänt slutprov heter ” EBR-ESA-E1 Elektriskt arbete”. Det är giltigt i 3 år. Detta innebär ett repetitionskrav på vart tredje år.

Läs mer om EBR-ESA-E1 Elektriskt arbete


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