Survival analysis and biomarker data / Statistics in medicine
This course will cover methods for survival analysis including visualisation techniques such as Kaplan-Meier plots, and regression models such as Cox proportional hazards regression. During the second day you will learn how to best analyse biomarker data, which has become a vital part of modern medicine.
Many studies are concerned with the time until an event happens: time until an individual contracts a disease, time until a patient diagnosed with a disease dies, and so on. On day one of this course we study methods for survival analysis used for analysing such data. Examples include visualisation techniques such as Kaplan-Meier plots, and regression models such as Cox proportional hazards regression – and newer regression models that often are better than the classical Cox model. In addition, we learn how to handle competing risks, recurrent events and time-varying variables in survival models.
In the second day of the course we learn how best to analyse biomarker data, which has become a vital part of modern medicine. Biomarker measurements rarely follow a normal distribution, and often have detection limits, meaning that some measurement will fall below the lowest levels of the biomarker that the laboratory analysis can detect. We can still make use of these nondetects if we use the right statistical methods. We study methods tailored to such data, including regression, visualisation, techniques for finding biomarkers related to diseases, and understanding correlations between biomarkers.
Kommande kursstarter
R2 or similar.
Kaplan-Meier curves
Comparing groups
Regression models for survival data: Cox and AFT models
Competing risks, recurrent event and time-dependent variables in survival models
Visualisation of biomarker data
Two-sample tests and regression for biomarker data with detection limits
Strategies for finding relevant biomarkers
Multivariate analysis of sets of biomarkers
Online course
All our online courses are instructor-led and on the Zoom video platform. Course literature and exercises are either distributed in conjunction with the course or delivered through mail well in advance before the course. This information and and other important instructions are found in your booking confirmation after a reservation is made.
Course length: 2 days
Language: English
Hours: 09:00-16:30 (CET)
Price: 12 500 SEK excluding VAT
Kursens mål
To be able to use R to analyse survival data and biomarker data using state-of-the-art methods.
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