This course provides you with a solid understanding of modern linear regression and ANOVA models. It also covers some common but advanced regression models as well as survival analysis.
We will have a closer look at how these models work and how R can be used to build, visualise, and interpret such models. We will use modern techniques like the bootstrap and permutation tests, to obtain confidence intervals and p-values without having to assume a normal distribution for your data. We will cover non-linear regression models like logistic regression and Poisson regression, where the response variable can be either binary (yes/no), counts, or prevalence. In survival analysis, we’ll have a look at Kaplan-Meier survival curves and regression models, including Cox proportional hazards regression. Mixed models are used to analyse data with repeated measurements on the same subjects.
Kommande kursstarter
R1 or similar.
Linear regression & ANOVA
Fitting and building models
Interactions and dummy variables
Validating models
Visualizing results
Fitting models
Validating models
Visualizing results
Advanced regression models
Logistic regression
Poisson regression and negative binomial regression
Fitting, building, and validating models
Kaplan-Meier curves
Log rank test
Cox PH regression
Accelerated failure time models
Fixed and random effects
Linear mixed models (LMM)
Generalised linear mixed models (GLMM)
Online course
All our online courses are instructor-led and on the Zoom video platform. Course literature and exercises are either distributed in conjunction with the course or delivered through mail well in advance before the course. This information and and other important instructions are found in your booking confirmation after a reservation is made.
12 500 SEK excluding VAT
Kursens mål
To be able to use R to fit, visualize and interpret linear regression and ANOVA models. To understand how to visualise and interpret models for logistic regression, count regression, mixed models, and survival analysis.
Måns Thulin
Appreciated educator with extensive statistical expertise
Måns Thulin works as a consultant and lecturer in statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. His clients include large corporations, government agencies, startups, and researchers. By using advanced statistical analysis, he has solved problems in a wide range of areas, from antibiotic resistance to nuclear fuel, from milking robots to HR issues, from herniated discs to music videos. He has twelve years of teaching experience at institutions such as Uppsala University and the University of Edinburgh. Måns is also the author of the popular textbook Modern Statistics with R. His educational goal is to help all course participants understand statistical methods – statistics should feel logical, not like black magic.
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