R 1 - Introduction to R and to modern statistics
This course helps you get started with R. We’ll cover the basics of R, ranging from importing and handling data to visualisation. You’ll learn about two fundamental tools in statistical analysis: hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. We’ll also discuss important concepts like p-values, power, and sample size calculcations.
The popular tidyverse package is used for filtering, cleaning, and preparing data for analysis. The powerful plotting capabilities of the ggplot2 package are also covered. Both basic statistical concepts and fundamental topics in R programming are discussed. This course is a great fit if you’re curious about R, or already know that you want to use its many tools for advanced data analysis. Classical statistical tests like the t-test, nonparametric tests and the chi-squared test are covered, along with modern computer-intensive methods like the bootstrap. The latter allows us to obtain p-values and confidence intervals without many of the constraints of traditional methods (such as requiring that the data follow a normal distribution), bringing your statistical toolbox up to the 21st century.
Kommande kursstarter
Basic computer skills.
Importing and exporting data
Handling variables and observations
Transforming data using the tidyverse
Writing R code
Common plots using ggplot2
Customizing plots
Means correlations, and other descriptive measures
Frequency tables and cross tables
Introduction to modern statistics
Hypothesis testing
Confidence intervals
Sample size calculcations
chi-squared tests
Confidence intervals for proportions
Permutation tests
The bootstrap
Online course
All our online courses are instructor-led and on the Zoom video platform. Course literature and exercises are either distributed in conjunction with the course or delivered through mail well in advance before the course. This information and and other important instructions are found in your booking confirmation after a reservation is made.
Course length: 2 days
Language: English
Hours: 09:00-16:30 (CET)
12 500 SEK excluding VAT
Kursens mål
To be able to use R to import and wrangle data, describe data using graphs and tables. To understand the basics of hypothesis testing and confidence intervals and be able to use R for running and computing common tests and intervals.
Måns Thulin
Appreciated educator with extensive statistical expertise
Måns Thulin works as a consultant and lecturer in statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. His clients include large corporations, government agencies, startups, and researchers. By using advanced statistical analysis, he has solved problems in a wide range of areas, from antibiotic resistance to nuclear fuel, from milking robots to HR issues, from herniated discs to music videos. He has twelve years of teaching experience at institutions such as Uppsala University and the University of Edinburgh. Måns is also the author of the popular textbook Modern Statistics with R. His educational goal is to help all course participants understand statistical methods – statistics should feel logical, not like black magic.
Snittbetyg: 4,7
Very good course, I learned a lot and everyone could proceed in their own tempo and solutions and example codes were always provided to follow. Very good explanations (also to o...
Excellent course! Thank you very much!
Förenkla ditt statistikarbete genom att gå en utbildning hos Statistikakademin.
Vi vill erbjuda dig möjligheten att utveckla dina kunskaper inom statistik på det sätt som du tycker är bäst. Välj mellan att vara med på någon av våra schemalagda kurser eller samla era medarbetare på en grupputbildning bara för er....
Bra kursupplägg, bra att det fanns mycket tid till att praktiskt få testa på att använda R.