Have you ever wondered why some people tell you to pull and others to fetch? Have you ever tried to rebase without really understanding what you're doing?
Version control is one of the most important tools for a software professional, and the most used version control system currently is Git. By learning to be an effective Git user and understanding how Git works internally, you create a good foundation for professional software work. The course teaches the most important aspects of Git's daily use and describes what operations take place inside Git when different commands are run. The course teaches how Git works using the command line and the graphical tool Gitk.
What is version control and distributed version control?
What is Git?
Basic operations
Repository creation
Working tree
Creating commits
Staging area
Branches and their effective use
Merging branches
Rebasing branches
Working with branches
Remote operations
What are remotes?
Fetch vs. Pull
When will there be conflicts?
Tools and tricks
Tips for using Git
Questions and answers about the issues discussed in the course
Informator är utbildningsföretaget som stärker din konkurrenskraft genom att underhålla, uppdatera och tillföra relevant kunskap inom IT och management där och när du behöver det. Vi har vuxit tillsammans med svensk mjukvaruindustris ledande företag och utbildat utvecklare, tekniker, projektledare och chefer sedan...