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SAFe 6.0 Product Manager/Product Owner with PMPO Certification

Informator, i Stockholm (+1 orter)
2 dagar
16 900 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
16 oktober, 2024 (+2 kursstarter)
Öppen utbildning, Onlineutbildning
2 dagar
16 900 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
16 oktober, 2024 (+2 kursstarter)
Öppen utbildning, Onlineutbildning
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


In this two-day course, you will learn how the roles of Product Manager and Product Owner drive the delivery of value in the SAFe enterprise.
You’ll get an overview of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®), the Lean-Agile mindset, and an understanding of how the Product Manager and Product Owner roles operate in the enterprise to drive the delivery of value. Finally, you will get an in-depth understanding of the specific activities, tools, and mechanics used to effectively deliver value to the enterprise.

By the end of this course, you should be able to write Epics, Features, and User Stories within the context of SAFe, and have a solid foundation for managing PI backlogs and Kanbans in a Lean-Agile enterprise.
Delivering customer value through effective execution and coordination of program intervals in the enterprise.
Topics Covered

SAFe PM/PO Introduction
Embracing the Lean-Agile mindset
Exploring Product Manager and Product Owner roles
Contributing to Portfolio content
Defining and managing solution value
Being an effective SAFe Product Manager
Being an effective SAFe Product Owner
Engaging stakeholders

The class registration includes:

Attendee workbooks
Eligibility to take the SAFe PM/PO exam
One-year membership to Scaled Agile, with access to members-only resources such as webinars, workbooks, guidance presentations, and advance notice of upcoming SAFe products
SAFe PM/PO (PMPO) attendance certificate upon request

Attending the class prepares you to take the exam and become a certified SAFe Product Manager/Product Owner (PMPO).
SAFe Certification Kit
Attendees who pass the exam will receive:

A SAFe PM/PO certificate
One-year certified membership as a SAFe PM/PO
A SAFe PM/PO branding kit with the PMPO certification mark

Kommande kursstarter

Välj mellan 2 kursstarter

16 oktober, 2024

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Stockholm

4 december, 2024

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans


Beställ information

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