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Identity Server in Production

Informator, Distans
3 dagar
3 dagar
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


This course continues where our popular course Securing ASP.NET using OpenID Connect and IdentityServer with a clear focus on getting a complete IdentityServer architecture up and running in a real production environment. You will learn how to avoid many of the pitfalls and snags involved when you’re starting your deployment journey.

When we say that this course is about deploying to production, we really mean it. In this course, we will deploy the services we create to the public internet, using real TLS certificates and automatic build/deployment.
The solution you will deploy contains a client, an API, and a fully configured IdentityServer. We are especially proud that we don’t cheat or cut corners in this all-encompassing course.
Instead, we will, for example:

Store configuration data in a separate configuration service
Create logs in a separate logging server for analytics and visualization
Use real HTTPS certificates
Create our own token signing keys
Use continuous deployment to deploy our services

This very hands-on course contains extensive exercises that will take you through all the steps involved in creating a successful identity solution.

In this course, we will cover the following:

HTTPS certificates
Duende IdentityServer
Error handling
Securing the client
Data Protection API
Public/Private key encryption
Keys, certificates, and PKCS 12 files
Creating JWT signing keys using OpenSSL
Token signing keys
IdentityServer and the database
User management
Tokens and claims
Securing the API
Consuming the API
Refresh tokens
Extending IdentityServer
Performance and service resiliency
Troubleshooting IdentityServer

And much more…


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111 61 Stockholm

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