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Digital basics

Informator, Distans
1 timme
12 500 SEK exkl. moms
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1 timme
12 500 SEK exkl. moms
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Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


During the Digital Basics course you will gain a clear picture of what the Digital Transformation is about, what are its three iterative phases and the two common ways to start it.
You will also understand how extensively it will Affect the organization's daily work and what are the typical pitfalls During The Digital Transformation. Furthermore, You Will Become familiar with the most common Digital Technologies (eg RPA, AI / Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Block Chain, Big Data and Cloud).

The training focuses on The Following: 

To understand the big picture of Digital Transformation and its three iterative phases
To Understand Whether to-use Digital Transformation to Improve existing business models or to invent new ones
To Understand the Digital Transformation's Consequences to the organization's daily work, such as:Changes in processes / plans / offerings, new leadership techniques, new external partnerships / platforms etc.

To learn the most common pitfalls of Digital Transformation

To've become familiar with the most common Digital Technologies (eg RPA, AI / Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Block Chain, Big Data and Cloud).

Course content
What is Digital Transformation and how to start it?

What is Digital Transformation?
Two ways to start Digital Transformation (either improvement to existing services / processes or to create new business models)

Three iterative phases of Digital Transformation

Three (3) Phases of Digital Transformation (to capture, steer and opimize)
The Digital Tran Formation -wheel
transformation Governance
Digital Transformation stoppers (pitfalls)

Steering Digital Transformation

Why a new leadership technique, Agility, is so essential to succeed in the Digital Transformation? 
Simple Agility techniques recommended to be used During Digital Transformation

Frequent feedback practices / surveys
Agility Roles

Digital Technologies in a nutshell

Core AI Technologies (automated, assisted, augmented and Autonomous intelligence)
Other relevant technologies Belonging in the AI ​​umbrella (Internet of Things, Data Analytics, Machine Learning / Learning Deep, Big Data, Cloud)
Other relevant Digital Technologies (Intelligent Apps and Block Chain)

Top 10 Digital Technology Trends and Technology Investments 

What are the Digital Trends right now?
Which technologies do the companies invested right now?

Kommande kursstarter

1 tillgänglig kursstart

Efter överenskommelse

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans


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