Containers are one of the hottest technologies in software development in recent years, and Docker is by far the most popular tool. Containers enable leaner development and modern software architectures, like microservices. Getting familiar with containers also helps you identify when the containers are the right tool and when not.
In this course, you'll learn through practical exercises to understand and use containers to your best benefit! The main goal of the course is an excellent basic understanding that helps you design software based on containers. In addition, it will be a s olidfoundation for further independent studies and exploration.
In this course, you will learn by doing. We will first introduce the concepts, after which you can try how it works in practice.
What are containers?
What is Docker?
Introduction of the container clusters we'll have built by the end of the day
My First Dockerfile
The difference between a container and an image
Examining containers
Mounting a drive
Network connections
Creating a container cluster with Docker Compose
Everyone builds their container cluster
A word about container orchestration
Informator är utbildningsföretaget som stärker din konkurrenskraft genom att underhålla, uppdatera och tillföra relevant kunskap inom IT och management där och när du behöver det. Vi har vuxit tillsammans med svensk mjukvaruindustris ledande företag och utbildat utvecklare, tekniker, projektledare och chefer sedan...