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C++ Advanced Programming

Informator, i Stockholm (+1 orter)
4 dagar
32 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
7 oktober, 2024 (+2 kursstarter)
4 dagar
32 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
7 oktober, 2024 (+2 kursstarter)
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


This is the course for experienced C++ programmers with a need to expand their skills into a complete knowledge of the language and new ways to use it for stable, effective and well designed applications. The course is fully updated and is platform and IDE independent.
Course focus is on the language itself and the most widely used idioms. Several labs illustrate the theory. Among the lab themes are resource allocation, advanced operator overloading, smart pointers, function objects, interfaces and abstract classes, exception safety, move semantics and forward references.

Module 1. Introduction
Module 2. Compiler Generated Member Functions

Default constructor 
Copy constructor 
Assignment operator
Single argument constructor
Resource allocating classes
Move semantics
Initializer list constructors

Module 3. Class Members

Nested types
Static members
Const members
Reference members
Enum as a member
Ref qualified methods
Function pointers and method pointers
Type inference
Structured binding

Module 4. Inheritance and Interfaces

Inheriting constructors
Multiple inheritance
Object identity
Virtual calls from constructor/destructor
Abstract base classes
Safe downcasting

Module 5. Operator Overloading

Member or friend
Increment/decrement operator
Index operator
Type converters
Bool operator
User defined literals

Module 6. Preprocessor Directives

Conditional compilation
Include guard
Conditional compilation
String operator
Catenation operator

Module 7. Templates

Type polymorphism
Function templates
Class templates
Type and value parameters
Templates and inheritance
Specializations and partial specializations
Static members
Explicit instantiation requests

Module 8. Exceptions

Exception classes
Exception declarations
Alternative designs

Module 9. Namespaces

Nested namespaces
Using and namespaces
Namespace std
Unnamed namespaces

Module 10. Copy-Swap and Exception Safety

Exception Safety
Copy-Swap for Assignment
std::swap and std::move
Copy-Swap for General Use

Module 11. Function Objects

The function call operator
Function pointer callback
Lambda expressions
The function standard class
Policy objects
Event objects

Module 12. Universal Forward References

Overloading on lvalue/rvalue
Creating a Forward Reference
Perfect Forwarding

Module 13. Smart Pointers and Iterators

Smart Pointers ownership
Schemes for ownership transfer
The Standard Library smart pointers
The Standard Library Iterators
Range based for

Module 14. Standard Library Containers

Overview collections and algorithms
Templated collections in more detail
The string class
Data types
Assessing time and time complexity

Module 15. Miscellaneous Standard Classes (optional)

Streams library
Thread and synchronization classes
Random numbers
Regular expressions

Kommande kursstarter

Välj mellan 2 kursstarter

7 oktober, 2024

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans

3 december, 2024

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans


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