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Building Data Lakes on AWS

Informator, Distans
1 dag
9 900 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
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1 dag
9 900 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
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Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


In this course, you will learn how to build an operational data lake that supports analysis of both structured and unstructured data. You will learn the components and functionality of the services involved in creating a data lake.
You will use AWS Lake Formation to build a data lake, AWS Glue to build a data catalog, and Amazon Athena to analyze data. The course lectures and labs further your learning with the exploration of several common data lake architectures
This course is part of the Building Modern Data Analytics Solutions on AWS collection of four, one-day, intermediate-level classroom training courses.

Mo­du­le 1: Int­ro­duc­tion to data la­kes

Describe the value of data lakes
Compare data lakes and data warehouses
Describe the components of a data lake
Recognize common architectures built on data lakes

Mo­du­le 2: Data in­ges­tion, ca­ta­lo­ging, and pre­pa­ra­tion

Describe the relationship between data lake storage and data ingestion
Describe AWS Glue crawlers and how they are used to create a data catalog
Identify data formatting, partitioning, and compression for efficient storage and query
Lab 1: Set up a simple data lake

Mo­du­le 3: Data proces­sing and ana­ly­tics

Recognize how data processing applies to a data lake
Use AWS Glue to process data within a data lake
Describe how to use Amazon Athena to analyze data in a data lake

Mo­du­le 4: Buil­ding a data lake with AWS Lake For­ma­tion

Describe the features and benefits of AWS Lake Formation
Use AWS Lake Formation to create a data lake
Understand the AWS Lake Formation security model
Lab 2: Build a data lake using AWS Lake Formation

Mo­du­le 5: Ad­di­tio­nal Lake For­ma­tion con­fi­gu­ra­tions

Automate AWS Lake Formation using blueprints and workflows
Apply security and access controls to AWS Lake Formation
Match records with AWS Lake Formation FindMatches
Visualize data with Amazon QuickSight
Lab 3: Automate data lake creation using AWS Lake Formation blueprints
Lab 4: Data visualization using Amazon QuickSight

Mo­du­le 6: Arc­hi­tec­tu­re and cour­se re­view

Post course knowledge check
Architecture review
Course review

This course includes presentations, lecture, hands-on labs, and group exercises.

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1 tillgänglig kursstart

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  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans


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