In this course, we will guide you through the process of creating ASP.NET Core-based REST APIs and services, utilizing the cutting-edge features and enhancements introduced in the latest version of .NET 7. By the end of the training, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to build high-performing APIs that meet modern web development standards.
The course is up to date with Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 7 and consists of plenty of presentations and hands-on exercises. The teacher will also share his best practices and tools that will make your life easier as a developer.
In this course we will cover:
NET Introduction
Request pipeline
Controllers and actions
Dependency Injection
Modifying resources
Problem details
OpenAPI / Swagger
Consuming the API
Minimal API
Kommande kursstarter
Informator är utbildningsföretaget som stärker din konkurrenskraft genom att underhålla, uppdatera och tillföra relevant kunskap inom IT och management där och när du behöver det. Vi har vuxit tillsammans med svensk mjukvaruindustris ledande företag och utbildat utvecklare, tekniker, projektledare och chefer sedan...