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Aws security essentials

Informator, Distans
1 timme
9 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
31 oktober, 2024 se detaljer
1 timme
9 950 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
31 oktober, 2024 se detaljer
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


AWS Security Essentials covers fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured. 
Based on the AWS Shared Security Model, you learn where you are responsible for implementing security in the AWS Cloud and what security-oriented services are available to you and why and how the security services can help meet the security needs of your organization.
This course enables you to dive deep, ask questions, work through solutions, and get feedback from AWS-accredited instructors with deep technical knowledge. This is a fundamental level course and is a part of the AWS Security learning path.

Course outline
Module 1: Security on AWS

Security design principles in the AWS Cloud
AWS Shared Responsibility Model

Module 2: Security OF the Cloud

AWS Global Infrastructure
Data Center Security
Compliance and Governance

Module 3: Security IN the Cloud – Part 1

Identity and Access Management
Data Protection
Lab 01 – Introduction to Security Policies

Module 4: Security IN the Cloud – Part 2

Securing your infrastructure
Monitoring and Detective controls
Lab 02 – Securing VPC Resources with Security Groups

Module 5: Security IN the Cloud – Part 3

DDoS mitigation
Incident response Essentials
Lab 03 – Automating Incident Response with AWS Config and AWS Lambda

Module 6: Course Wrap Up

AWS Well-Architected tool overview

This course includes presentations and hands-on labs.

Kommande kursstarter

1 tillgänglig kursstart

31 oktober, 2024

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans


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