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AWS Discovery Day- Introduction to Securing your AWS Cloud

Informator, Distans
2 timmar
2 timmar
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


Whether you are thinking of migrating to the AWS Cloud or already have a workload running on AWS, securing your data and resources should be at the top of the list.
This event introduces several AWS services that you can use to improve your current security posture. It also covers the different security design principles that will help you to plan your security approach in the AWS Cloud and provides information on resources you can use to further your knowledge around security on AWS.

Section 1: Security design principles
      • Principle of least privilege      • Traceability      • Securing all layers      • Automating security      • Protecting data in transit and at rest      • Preparing for security events      • Minimizing attack surface 
Section 2: What is your security posture?
      • Authentication      • Authorization      • Monitoring      • Audit      • Encryption      • Data path
Section 3: What are my next steps?
      • Resources to continue learning
We recommend that attendees of this event continue learning with these courses:        o AWS Security Essentials        o Security Engineering on AWS


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