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Automated tests with CypressIO

Informator, Distans
2 dagar
2 dagar
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


- A Comprehensive Guide to Automated Testing
This course is designed for software developers and quality assurance professionals who want to learn how to use Cypress for automated testing of React.js applications.
The course is delivered online by experienced software developer and coach, Thomas Ochman, and consists of lectures, demos, and hands-on exercises. Over the course of two days, participants will learn how to install and set up Cypress, create and run automated tests, use advanced Cypress features, organize tests, handle real-world testing scenarios, and automate tests in a CI/CD pipeline.By the end of the course, participants will have a solid understanding of Cypress and be able to use it to create automated tests for their own React.js applications.If you're looking to improve your automated testing skills with Cypress and learn from an experienced instructor, then this course is for you.
Instructor: Thomas Ochman, an experienced software developer and coach with over a decadeof experience teaching software development, automated testing, and agile methodologies.

Understand the benefits of automated testing
Learn the basics of Cypress and how to get started
Learn how to write effective Cypress tests
Understand advanced Cypress features and best practices
Learn how to apply Cypress in real-world testing scenarios
Learn how to improve test performance and reliability
Understand how to integrate Cypress into your CI/CD pipeline


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