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AI Programming with Python

Informator, i Stockholm (+2 orter)
1 dag
1 dag
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Introduction to AI. What it can do and how to utilize machine learning in practice? How does Python and TensorFlow help to speed up development and produce high-quality solutions in record time?
This course gives an introduction to AI and what it can do and how to utilize machine learning in practice. How Python and TensorFlow help to speed up development and produce high-quality solutions in record time.

Python and ​machine learning
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the field of AI and machine learning. With pre-existing libraries there are ready to be used solutions to most of the common business challenges and needs 
TensorFlow and AI
TensorFlow was released by Google and has gained popularity fast among AI developers. With well crafted documentation and fast-growing ecosystem it offers opportunities to implement almost any machine learning related ideas in practice with relatively small sized developer teams or even skilled individuals.
TensorFlow case examples
With practical examples it is easiest to understand what is possible and what is easy with TensorFlow. The focus here is to understand TensorFlow and its key concepts in practice. 
Cloud computing and AI
All of the most well known cloud providers are offering wide variety of services related to machine learning. Here we take a glance of those possibilities with few practical examples (AWS, GCP).


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Tegnérlunden 3
111 61 Stockholm

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