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VMware vSphere - Design

3 dagar
29 450 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
13 november, 2024 (+2 kursstarter)
Öppen utbildning
3 dagar
29 450 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
13 november, 2024 (+2 kursstarter)
Öppen utbildning
Kursen är bokningsbar via arrangörens hemsida 🤗


Utbildningen vänder sig till dig som administratör eller konsult som vill utveckla dina kunskaper att designa en VMware vSphere-miljö.

Under kursen diskuterar vi möjligheter och risker i olika designalternativ så att du ska vara utrustad att kunna fatta rätt beslut under ett designprojekt i din organisation.

Målgrupp och förkunskaper

Kursen riktar sig till dig som administratör eller konsult som vill utveckla dina kunskaper att designa en VMware vSphere miljö.

Du förutsätts som deltagare behärska VMware vSphere ur följande perspektiv:

  • Installation
  • Konfiguration
  • Handhavande/administration
  • Prestandaoptimering

För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.

Detaljerad information

Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:

Infrastructure Assessment

  • Follow a proven process to design a virtualization solution
  • Define customer business objectives
  • Gather and analyze business and application requirements
  • Document design requirements, constraints, assumptions, and risks
  • Use a systematic method to evaluate and document design decisions
  • Create a conceptual design

Core Management Infrastructure

  • Determine the number of VMware vCenter® Server ApplianceTM instances to include in a design
  • Choose the appropriate single sign-on identity source
  • Choose the time synchronization method
  • Choose methods to collect log files and VMware ESXi™ core dumps
  • Design a vCenter Server deployment topology that is appropriate for the size and requirements of the data
  • center

Virtual Data Center Infrastructure

  • Calculate total compute capacity requirements for a virtual data center
  • Create a virtual data center cluster design that meets business and workload requirements
  • Evaluate in the virtual data center the use of several management services, such as VMware vSphere®
  • High Availability and VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™
  • Evaluate the use of resource pools in the virtual data center design

Compute Infrastructure

  • Create a compute infrastructure design that includes the appropriate ESXi boot, installation, and
  • configuration options
  • Choose the ESXi host hardware for the compute infrastructure

Storage Infrastructure

  • Calculate storage capacity and performance requirements for a design
  • Evaluate the use of different storage platforms and storage management solutions
  • Design a storage platform infrastructure and storage management architecture that meets the needs of the
  • vSphere environment

Network Infrastructure

  • Evaluate the use of different network component and network management solutions
  • Design a network component architecture that includes information about network segmentation and virtual
  • switch types
  • Design a network management architecture that meets the needs of the vSphere environment

Virtual Machine Design

  • Make virtual machine design decisions, including decisions about resources
  • Design virtual machines that meet the needs of the applications in the vSphere environment and follow
  • VMware best practices

Infrastructure Security

  • Make security design decisions for various layers in the vSphere environment
  • Design a security strategy that meets the needs of the vSphere environment and follows VMware best
  • practices

Infrastructure Manageability

  • Make infrastructure manageability design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design an infrastructure manageability strategy that meets the needs of the vSphere environment and
  • follows VMware best practices

Infrastructure Recoverability

  • Make infrastructure recoverability design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design an infrastructure recoverability strategy that meets the needs of the vSphere environment and
  • follows VMware best practices

Kommande kursstarter

Välj mellan 2 kursstarter

13 november, 2024

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Distans

10 mars, 2025

  • Öppen utbildning
  • Distans


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Cornerstone Group AB
Borgarfjordsgatan 4
164 55 Kista

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