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Professional Coaching Education Block 2 for ICF ACC/PCC certificate - Level 2 (English)

CoachCompanion, Distans
8 dagar
29 000 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
4 februari, 2025 se detaljer
8 dagar
29 000 SEK exkl. moms
Nästa kurstillfälle
4 februari, 2025 se detaljer
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ICF Accredited PCC Education Professional Level

Master Certification Programme for Coaches and Leaders

This programme is for you who is ready to take your next step in Coaching Education.
With the awareness of the impact of professional coaching, the demand for professional certified coaches is higher than ever.
International Coaching Federation, the leading actor in Coaching and Leadership Industry, with the non-compromising highest standards in professional coaching, guarantees the customer the highest quality of coaching money can buy.
Professional Level  is your next step to achieve ACC or PCC, the prestigious credentialing issued by ICF, which you are qualified for, after the completed education at CoachCompanion.
Master Certification Programme offers Quality, Competence and Professionalism and provides you with all tools needed to successfully reach your credentialing goal.
CoachCompanion makes space for a safe learning environment where people develop and learn by doing and practicing coaching from the very first day of education.


This further education is designed for coaches and leaders who understand the importance of quality and professionalism, dedicated to their profession and decisive in achieving an ACC or PCC credentialing, issued by ICF (International Coaching Federation). CoachCompanion is your partner throughout the entire process.

Your goal is our goal!

Kommande kursstarter

1 tillgänglig kursstart

4 februari, 2025

  • Onlineutbildning
  • Distans
  • Engelska

Varför välja CoachCompanion?

Bli certifierad

Arbetar Internationellt

Eftertraktad utbildning

Om kursledaren

Why CoachCompanion?

One of Sweden’s oldest education organisations in professional coaching & leadership
CoachCompanion is one of the oldest and most experienced organisations in Sweden offering coaching education both in Sweden and worldwide since 2004. This programme is delivered in Swedish and English.
CoachCompanion meets the requirements and demands of the modern, global society and offers coaching education Online, welcoming participants to meet, learn and accomplish desired results from the comfort of their own homes.
CoachCompanion is accredited by the ICF to handle the whole education, including the performance evaluation, which makes the whole process towards credentialing smooth and easy, so-called All-Inclusive service for participants.
We partner with our participants all the way, from the very first day of education throughout the application for earning the ICF credentialing, recognized worldwide.
CoachCompanion’s education programmes are well-known for deep and profound professional knowledge packaged in easy-to-understand modules and training days. Our participants report that they experience life changing personal insights. We are also acknowledged for our ability to mix “hard” and “soft” values, tools and skills. Everything is delivered in an atmosphere of acceptance and growth which is the best platform for learning and achieving great results.

Welcome to the world of coaching!


Who can apply?

Coaches with accomplished an ICF accredited education of at least of 60 education hours (ACTP or ACSTH).

Coaches who are ACC and would like to earn PCC credentialing.



Observe that Mentor Coaching and Self-Studies hours can vary if you apply from another school. Please attach your Diploma or Certificate for evaluation.

8 days education

Education is held via Zoom, 9.00 am – 4 pm (CET) according to the schedule.

Mentor coaching

Mentor Coaching sessions with a professional certified coach (PCC) both individually and in a group.

Observed sessions


Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation after completion of all parts of this education.




Support with ICF credentialing application*
* ICF application for the international credentialing is not included in the fee.

Tid & plats

Please visit our homage for the coming starts, and timezones.

Examen, diplom m.m.

ICF credentialing

Once you have received the certificate for successful completion of coaching education issued by CoachCompanion, you may begin the credentialing process at ICF. Upon receiving your application for desired credentialing (ACC or PCC) you will be guided to take the written examination, conducted by the ICF.

CoachCompanion aims to achieve the highest passing score of our participants at the ICF’s examination platform. We will partner with you throughout the whole process.

Your goal is our goal!

Support and individual solutions are offered upon onboarding this education.




Syftet med certifieringssystemet är att säkerställa kvaliteten på coaching runt om i världen enligt ICF:s etiska standarder. ICF har utformat elva kärnkompetenser som varje coach bör besitta.

Hos ICF finns tre certifieringsnivåer och varje nivå innehåller specifika krav som ska vara uppnådda. PCC är det andra steget.

Läs mer om PCC


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CoachCompanion – ett av Sveriges äldsta utbildningsföretag inom professionell coaching och ledarskap

CoachCompanion vet vad professionell coaching är och vilken skillnad det gör. CoachCompanion erbjuder allt från det coachande ledarskapet för chefer till grundläggande utbildningar för privatpersoner som vill stärka sitt CV och rusta sig med professionella verktyg. CoachCompanion är ett av...

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